Here you can find hints and tips for different topics about life in Greifswald. If you are looking for a flat, if you have questions concerning the Jobcenter or if you are just looking for a place to meet new people, just have a look.
If you cannot find answers to your questions, you can always get in touch with us.
Registrierung bei der WVG - Hans-Beimler-Str. 73
Formulare vor Ort ausfüllen
Registrierung bei der WGG - Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 1
Formulare vor Ort ausfüllen
Information about the maximum warm rent can be found in the letter from the Jobcenter.
Is there a deposit?
Check with the Jobcenter if the rent is okay before signing a contract.
Is it about a sublease?
Then a written confirmation from the apartment owner is needed. Wording as follows: "I take note of the fact that Mr./Mrs. on ... moves into my apartment ...."
Submit tenancy agreement (or subtenancy agreement with confirmation from the apartment owner) to the Jobcenter.